Table Runners

  • Table runners can be made from a variety of fabrics, ranging from lightweight cottons to textured wovens to silky synthetics.

    All table runners have an inner layer of cotton batting that gives them their classic “quilt feel”.

  • We all have our own color scheme — maybe you’re a cool blue type, or perhaps more of a punchy pink. Whatever the case, there’s a table runner for you.

    Colors, patterns, and textures are carefully curated to fit an individual style.

  • Custom table runners are priced at $0.10 per square inch, plus shipping. For example, a 12 by 36 inch runner would cost 12 x 36 x 0.10 = $43.20 + shipping.

    Premade table runners vary in price based on size and fabric origin. For current availability, check my Facebook page.

Commissioned Pieces

  • Interested in a custom piece that’s not a table runner? Let’s discuss the possibilities! Commonly quilted items include pillows, wall hangings, coasters, sweatshirts, and baby quilts.

    Feasibility is dependent on the size and timing of your request. Please note, I’m not currently taking commissions for full/bed sized quilts.

  • Commissioned pieces are priced on a case-by-case basis. Project size, desired materials, and overall complexity are all taken into consideration. Cost will always be discussed before I begin sewing!

    Premade items vary in price based on project and fabric origin. To see what’s currently available, visit my Facebook page.

First, check out my FAQs page to get a rundown on the request process.

Then, let’s connect! Fill out the appropriate form below, and I’ll get back to you ASAP to talk details.

Not sure what you want yet? We can discuss that too! A form isn’t a commitment, so don’t be afraid to dip your toes in.

Interested in a custom piece?